
2022 ‘Temperature tower of love’ that adds warmth… big hands of 100 mi…

페이지 정보

작성일 22-04-27 15:06



Thanks to those who reached out even during difficult times, the temperature tower of love in Busan has now achieved a sharing temperature of 76 degrees. However, as the COVID-19 crisis continued for the second year, the amount raised decreased compared to the time before COVID-19. According to the Community Chest of Korea, as of the 31st of last month, a month after the ‘Hope 2022 Sharing Campaign’ started, 7.9 billion 10.54 million won was donated to the Busan area. It reached 76.9% of the target of 10.3 billion won. The Community Chest of Korea predicted that if the in-kind donations that have not been counted are included, the fundraising would have reached 8.4 billion won (achievement rate of 81.5%).

ⓒ Busan Ilbo